Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My History Presentation!

Actually, because I need to took a test, I don't have a chance to do my history presentation. I am almost done with writing my script but, I still need to make powerpoint presentation. Anyway, this is my script. I wrote my conclusion in my notebook but, I didn't bring it! Maybe, I will correct it later! If you have some comments please let me know. I hope it's not that boring, Also, sorry for that I don't have pictures! I will prepare it later in my presentation.

The Cruel Aztecs
Hong Ji Woo
  Hello, I am Hong Ji Woo and I am a sixth grader. I read the book “Angry Aztecs,” and it explains about Mayan history, cruelty of Aztecs, Aztecs’ foods, Aztecs’ life, etc. Among them, I decided to explain you about the cruel Aztecs. I will explain one event that shows how cruel the Aztecs were and the explanation of their ceremony.
  First of all, I will tell you about one event. While they were slaves of the Culhuacan city, they were very nuisance. So, the Lord of Culhuacan sent them to the war, hoping the Aztecs will be dead. Unfortunately for the Lord, they beat the enemy and they even cut the enemy’s ears. Because of this event, we can notice that the Aztecs were cruel. However, compared with their ceremony, you will think that this event is not all of the Aztecs.
  The Aztecs killed many people to offer a sacrifice to their sun-god. They offered a beating heart. There are 5 main ways of performing this cruel ceremony. First way is that the victim lies on the sacrificial stone, the Aztecs open the chest with a knife, pull out the heart and offer it in a carved stone vessel. Second way is that the Aztecs cut off the victim’s head. According to this book, female victim preferred this way because they can be treated as a goddess. Third way is that the Aztecs tie the victim to a rock and give the victim a sword to defend him/herself. He/she then fights against an Aztec warrior whose sword has a knife edge. Fourth way is that the Aztecs tie the victim to poles and mark his heart with a white spot, but don’t aim at that spot with the first few dozen arrows. It’s because the Aztecs believed that the blood from the victims makes the earth richer. Last way is that the Aztecs baked the victim several times in the fire and they pull out the victim’s heart when the victims are lightly baked. Those 5 ways are all very cruel and nasty. But, if I must choose 1 way of them, I will chose the first way because I think it is the least cruel way and it will end rapidly.
   In addition, they didn’t sacrifice people on just special day, they sacrifice people’s heart frequently. They sacrificed 50,000 people a year. That means thousand a week and six an hour! I think it’s almost impossible! However, 50,000 people a year were just a usual number. If there is a special ceremony, lots of people were sacrificed. For example, when they opened the temple at Tenochtitlan, they sacrificed 20,000 people. Moreover, Spanish history book said that when the Great Temple was opened in 1487, there were 80,000 victims sacrificed in one ceremony. How cruel they were! They even had an army to keep the priests supplied with the victims.
  Then, why did they sacrifice so many humans? Basically, they believed the sun-god and they follow the sun-god. They believed the sun and the whole world had been already destroyed 4 times and they were living in the fifth sun’s period. They thought that if they keep offered people’s heart to the sun-god, the sun will rise every day. They also thought that if they didn’t the world will ends and destroy forever.

1 comment:

  1. Presentation, huh? It's nice to look at. I hope you get a good score on this!
